tirsdag 5. mars 2019

This Is Reiki, with Frank Arjava Petter | Reiki Radio Podcast. On this episode of Reiki Radio, you will hear the story of one of my teachers, Arjava. He shares his experiences with Reiki, including the first, which left him thinking that Reiki was "boring". He later realized his soul was touched in ways that his conscious mind hadn't recognized. Tune in to find out how Arjava sees Reiki as "putting our love into action" and who would benefit from this practice. Frank Arjava Petter is the Vice Representative of the Jikiden Institute in Kyoto, Japan. He lived in Japan for twelve years and has been teaching Reiki since 1993. His research of Mikao Usui and Reiki culminated in the publication of his six international bestselling books, including one titled "This Is Reiki". Before learning Reiki, Arjava also spent several years in India. He was one of the personal bodyguards and gardeners of the Indian Mystic and Meditation Master, Osho. He currently lives with his family Greece and teaches Reiki, Meditation and Family Constellations (family therapy) worldwide. When he’s not traveling the world and teaching, Arjava writes inspirational texts and fiction to be published in the future. Learn more about his work and his class schedule at http://frankarjavapetter.com

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